When I decided to make goal #3 to organize more, there was NO question where I wanted (ummm... NEEDED) to start - my office! I am going to let you peek inside the doors that are ALWAYS closed when I have company over... and for good reason!
Here is my desk area. I am a medical transcriptionist, as well as a Stampin' Up! Independent Demonstrator, so you will notice my transcribing equipment and my desktop computer.
My office is what was originally intended to be a dining room, which means there is NO STORAGE in this room. Just walls and windows.
I have utilized lots of storage tubs and boxes to contain the contents of the room, but it is now overflowing into the floor.... and, quite honestly, the rest of the house!
Mountains of must-haves and no place to store them! What is a girl to do? Look for inspiration, of course! As I mentioned yesterday, one of my goals is to spend less, so repurposing is a must! I have a few good pieces - an old dresser that belonged to my grandparents and a couple of laminate shelves. I also have a butcher block dining table that I would like to replace with something else eventually. I stumbled upon Karen's blog and WOWZA her new sewing room is GORGEOUS!!!
Take a look at what Karen at Sew Many Ways has done with a space very similar to mine...
Karen painted old furniture black to bring all the pieces together.
Would you believe this was a set of 3 old laminate bookshelves?? A little moulding across the top tied them together and the flimsy backings were replaced with beadboard before painting. Oh how I love beadboard!
This gorgeous piece of organizing used to be an old piece of teakwood furniture and the cute boxes on the middle shelves are made out of old cardboard water bottle holders and the ones on the top shelf are cereal boxes! What a beautiful way to re-purpose!
Would you believe that the beautiful black cabinets/shelves mentioned above started life looking like these??? Visit SEW MANY WAYS for all of the details on how she brought this amazing room to life!
Karen, thanks for sharing!
Let me share with you my filing challenge... It is an old 2-drawer filing cabinet. The bottom drawer is misaligned so it won't open and close properly and neither drawer will hold hanging folders because the inside mechanics have given up the ghost. Needless to say, I don't file much!
Now, look at this pretty piece. It was a toy box that my daughter used when she was itty-bitty. Now that she is older, it is sitting in our foyer holding my Vermont Teddy Bears and a basket with the dog's leashes in it. Not very exciting or useful. Don't ask me what is inside. I am afraid to look.
When I came across the following furniture repurposing, I knew I had to transform that toy box bench! I have no idea who this photo belongs to. I saved it in my inspiration folder on my desktop and neglected to record who the owner was. If you know who it is, please let me know so that I can give proper credit!
Look at the filing system inside!! So clever and useful!
I could paint it to match the other (soon to be) re-purposed pieces in my office. Still pondering a color, but I know it will have to be a Stampin' Up!® color! I am looking to also add a cushion to the top so that my constant companion will have a place to hang out... meet Minnie!
Well, there you have it! My office and my aspirations for organization in 2011. I will be on the lookout for awesome junky old furniture to paint and transform into storage and work surfaces like Karen did and I can't wait to try out the toy box renovation for my filing solution! Wessie, if you are reading this, get ready to teach me how to use power tools!
Have a Blessed Day!!

Katie Burke
Stampin' Up!® Independent Demonstrator
Pine Mountain / LaGrange, Georgia
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Test post
Test post
another test not with fire fox
Woo Hoo!!! Ok..I swear I'll never use my daughter's computer again. I probably just drove you crazy for the last 2 hours, LOL
thanks for the inspiration! I am doing the same thing - cleaning out and reorganizing my craft space. (Which used to be my office when I worked at home. I'd like to turn that corner back into a workspace for my husband who does work at home a lot.) I'll definitely join your link party. I'm not done yet but my room is looking A LOT better.
What an interesting and inspiring post. I wouldn't dare show you all of my room but you can catch a glimpse most Wednesdays on my blog as I generally reveal my workdesk to the world on that day. However, you did make me think about redecorating my space and if I were to paint my shelves (they are just boring pine at the moment) then I'd go for either the Stampin Up old olive colour or the crumb cake and the walls would be very vanilla - oh dear, another dilemma :) Thanks for sharing. Elizabeth
I appreciate all of your comments ladies! Thanks so much for participating in (either by entries or by viewing) the Bella B Designs Inspire Me With YOUR Creative Space Link Party/Blog Hop! It has been such a great inspiration to have all the ideas! I can't wait to start putting some of them into practice!
I have another hop starting today at http://bellabdesigns.blogspot.com/2011/01/share-more-monday-show-me-your-favorite.html
I hope you will join me again! HUGS!
P.S. Elizabeth... crumb cake all the way on the shelves! LOVE it!
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